San Rafael, California is the county seat for the gorgeous and pristine Marin County, in the San Francisco North Bay.
Today, San Rafael is perhaps best known as home to mega film director, George Luas and his LucasFilm studios. Since then, it’s become home to several studios and a number of video game companies. SimCity was started in San Rafael. Stormfront Studios, who did Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, is also located in San Rafael.
San Rafael’s downtown area has small town charm in the city of about 57,000 residents. It has a number of restaurants and boutiques for shopping.
One claim to fame is that the term “420,” which is part of marijuana parlance, was coined at San Rafael High School. The legend is that the original group used to gather at 4:20, after school, to smoke marijuana.
San Rafael is or was home to several celebrities, including the author Philip K. Dick, musician Carlos Santana, and even the world’s oldest living male, who died at the age of 115 years and 252 days in 1998.
The median home price in San Rafael is just under $900,000 and the median rent is about $4,100 per month.
The climate is moderate and considered Mediterranean, with average highs in the summer reaching 82 degrees and average lows in January of 50 degrees. San Rafael is a bit rainier than much of the Bay Area, with averages just about matching the national average. Still, there are about 256 days of sunshine each year.
San Rafael is a magical place to live and Ninja Movers knows that. We are here to help you with all your moving needs, whether you are moving from or to San Rafael. Call us at 888-464-5237 to get your free, no obligation estimate. We even guarantee our costs.