When Your Move Might Need Storage
Here are some times you might need storage:
When Your New Home isn’t Ready
Most moves are pretty straightforward. There’s packing and loading, and there’s delivery. Some moves, though, add a third step, and that is storage. Sometimes, a need for storage is unexpected. More often, it’s planned. Many customers, though, don’t know that Ninja Movers, and in fact most movers, have storage, and there are times you definitely want to take advantage.
In the real estate world, it can be tough to coordinate closing dates. It’s far more common than you think that customers need to be out of their old place before they close on their new one. During those times, we can store the customer’s items until they are ready for delivery. The advantage, of course, is that everything remains in moving condition until final delivery. That means they will say in their protective wrapping.
When Your Home is Being Staged
If you’re in the process of selling your home, you’ve likely had a Realtor tell you that they want to have your home staged. What that means is that they want most everything you own out (boo!) to be replaced by tasteful, but generic furnishings and decor. We can help you move your items out and into our storage, for a lot less hassle, and probably money, than you would pay to move it into a self-storage unit.
When You’re Moving Overseas
If you’re temporarily moving overseas, whether for the military, school, a job, or just to experience the world, it’s a lot easier to store most of your belongings than to take them with you. McMansions are a rarity in the rest of the world. Expats typically have to considerably downsize, and many overseas rentals come furnished. We can store your items for as long as you are out of the country, and you can be sure that they’ll be in the same shape when you get back was when you left.