How To COVID-proof Your New Home

It’s summer time, which is the busiest moving time of the year. We’re also in the middle of a pandemic, which can make moving sort of scary. You can be reassured that Ninja Movers has your back. We take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety, but what about the place you’re moving into? Here are a few tips to make sure your new house is virus free.
There is a lot of confusing information out there as to how easy it is to catch COVID-19 from a surface, but we feel it’s safest to assume the worst. The virus can live for up to 72 hours on non-porous surfaces, such as metal or plastic. If you can leave your new home empty for three days before moving in, you can be pretty sure it’s safe.
Waiting it out is a great option, but most homes aren’t move in ready. There’s usually dirt in the corners and unseen contaminants elsewhere. Look at the baseboards. Are the appliances clean? Give everything a good scrub down with a good alcohol or bleach based cleaner. Especially focus on high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, stair railings and faucets. You’re far less likely to catch the virus from the floor, but give it a good scrub before moving in.
Wear masks
It might seem silly to wear a mask in your own home, but if nothing else, it will keep you from touching your face during the move.
Wipe everything down after the move
Wipe those high-touch surfaces down right after the movers leave. We’ll have masks and gloves, but you can never be too careful.
Wait out the unpacking
This is the same idea as waiting before you move into your place, but instead, leave things in their boxes for 72 hours to ensure no contamination. As for things you’ll need for the next three days, either put them in suitcases and move them yourselves, or unpack just what you need and wipe them down with disinfectant cleaners before putting them away.