How To Stay Cool, Even During A Move

Summer is by far the most popular time to move. Home sales are booming, school is out, and the odds of it raining on your furniture are pretty slim, at least in California. Still, we aren’t immune to the weather. With temperatures nearing triple digits in parts of the Bay Area, trying to stay cool during a move can be that much more exhausting. You probably don’t have a choice, though. If you follow these steps, you can stay cool during a move, if not downright comfortable.
Keep the Power On
You might have to pay double utility bills for a few days, but keep the power on in both your old home and your new until you’re completely moved in. That way you can still use your air conditioner (more on that in a minute) and keep food and drinks cold in the refrigerator.
Stay Hydrated to Stay Cool
Yes, this is obvious, but aim for more than just eight cups of water a day. Keep sports drinks on hand for flavor and to replenish electrolytes.
Eat Light and Cool
Sandwiches and veggies are a good way to keep you going during a move, without filling you up too much. Popsicles are great during breaks, but they can mean sticky fingers.
Have Fans in Every Room to Stay Cool
Window fans are inexpensive and surprisingly effective. Place them in or near open windows for maximum efficiency.
Dress Light to Stay Cool
Wear light-colored clothing that is comfortable and breathes. White t-shirts and shorts are good moving attire, unless you are moving furniture. For safety reasons, most movers wear long pants.
Use Air Conditioning to Stay Cool — At Least Part of the Time
Talk to the movers. During packing times, close the doors and turn on the air conditioning. When they start loading furniture onto the truck, though, the door will need to stay open. Turn off the air conditioning and turn on a fan,
Let the Movers Do Everything
This is the easiest and most comfortable piece of advice, if you can afford it. Movers are used to moving in the heat. They know to stay hydrated and cool. You can sit back, enjoy some watermelon and a cool drink.