How To Label Your Boxes Like A Pro
If you’re anything like me, when you’re packing, you’re probably not thinking too far ahead. That’s a big mistake. If you take just a little extra time to properly label your boxes, you’ll save a whole lot more time unpacking, and you’ll even save time on the move. You only need a few supplies to keep everything organized, just like a pro.
Use Colored Markers
Label every box according to its room. Each room should get its own color, so the movers will know exactly where to put everything. If you mark what’s inside each box, you’ll save a lot of time.
Label Each Side of A Box
When movers grab a box from the truck, you never know which side will be the most legible to them. Save a bit of time by labeling each side, so your movers will know exactly which room to put them in. Also, you won’t have to worry about the movers putting the labeled side against a wall.
Keep a Spreadsheet
This is a real pro tip. When any good mover does a long-distance move, they inventory each item on a spreadsheet. They use numbered labels, but you can just write numbers on the boxes if you prefer. They then check each item off the spreadsheet as they’re unloaded into your new home.
Label All Fragile Items
If you packed some fragile items in a box, label it as such. You can buy some “fragile” labels at the store, to even make it stand out more.
Hire Pros
If you really want a professional packing job, let the professionals do it for you. You’d be surprised at how little it costs, and at how fast it is. We can even unpack for you, meaning your move can be done in just a couple of days. Imagine that.
Download an App
We recommend Sortly to keep you organized. You can even print out barcodes for your boxes.